Penn College News

Students break the ice at Winter Fest

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A mock snowball fight and a faux hockey net provide diversion in the lobby.Wildcat swag always sweetens the experience!A reindeer viewing pen near the building's west entrance lets students get enviably close to those magnificent mammals.A family-owned food truck brings comfort cuisine to the CC Loop.Make-your-own-snowflake string art made for popular takeaways.More than 50 students attended Winter Fest, a well-timed event given the imminent snowstorm, from 1-4 p.m. Saturday in the Bush Campus Center. Sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement, it featured reindeer from Spruce Ridge Farm; The Mad Griller food truck; and winter-themed games, crafts, and prizes.
Photos by Frank T. Kocsis III, student photographer