Penn College News

Internship fuels passion for learning

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Michael J. SormilicAs truly warmer weather will keep its distance for a while yet, let's wander back to summertime. When sunshine was abundant, the pace was somewhat slower and Michael J. Sormilic was collecting valuable takeaways like so many seashells at the beach.

The Southbury, Conn., resident, who is pursuing degrees in electric power generation: diesel emphasis and building automation engineering technology, worked as a controls technician intern at Air Conditioning Equipment Sales LLC, better known as ACES, in Richmond, Virginia.

"The classrooms and labs, the technology, equipment, and the personal relationships with professors could not have prepared me better for this internship," Sormilic says. "I can say I feel confident working alongside my co-workers, asking questions and understanding the work being done, as well as being able to contribute to the efforts. Once I graduate, I will be able to seamlessly step into this career."

He shares some of his experiences – lessons of teamwork, gratitude, problem-solving and friendship – in a Penn College blog.