Penn College News

Twinkle, twinkle!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

As Penn College winds down for the year – before the crush of last-minute holiday errands (and despite wintry weather that may stymie even the most urgent to-do lists) – PCToday delivers a moment or two of serenity. No ice-scraping, no gift-wrapping, no crowd-jostling and no sidewalk-shoveling. Just some beautiful images, come day or come night, from one side of campus to the other.

– Photos by Larry D. Kauffman, digital publishing specialist/photographer;
Alexis M. Burrell, student photographer; and Tom Wilson, writer/editor-PCToday

Divide and conquer! Chet Beaver (center), coordinator of veteran and military services, is cooperatively flanked by student Kenneth M. Jones II and Katie C. Burke, veteran services specialist, in placing 208 stars on the Veterans Tree at the northeast corner of Hagan Way and College Avenue. The stars represent the number of veteran and active-duty servicemen and women at Penn College this semester; Beaver (Army), Burke (Pennsylvania Army National Guard) and Jones (Navy) – veterans all – made quick work of decorating the Serbian spruce.

Divide and conquer! Chet Beaver (center), coordinator of veteran and military services, is cooperatively flanked by student Kenneth M. Jones II and Katie C. Burke, veteran services specialist, in placing 208 stars on the Veterans Tree at the northeast corner of Hagan Way and College Avenue. The stars represent the number of veteran and active-duty servicemen and women at Penn College this semester; Beaver (Army), Burke (Pennsylvania Army National Guard) and Jones (Navy) – veterans all – made quick work of decorating the Serbian spruce.

A pre-physician assistant studies student and 18-year veteran, including deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, Jones hangs the newest ornament on the Veterans Holiday Tree. The ball contains ribbons sold to benefit The Fisher House Foundation, best known for a network of comfort homes where families of wounded veterans can stay at no cost while their loved ones are receiving treatment.

A pre-physician assistant studies student and 18-year veteran, including deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, Jones hangs the newest ornament on the Veterans Holiday Tree. The ball contains ribbons sold to benefit The Fisher House Foundation, best known for a network of comfort homes where families of wounded veterans can stay at no cost while their loved ones are receiving treatment.

Oh, what you'll see if you take the time to look!

Oh, what you'll see if you take the time to look!

Calm before the storm? A canopy of clouds, both beautiful and ominous, hangs over the main campus entrance.

Calm before the storm? A canopy of clouds, both beautiful and ominous, hangs over the main campus entrance.

An all-weather attraction outside College Avenue Labs adopts a particularly magical look at this special time of year.

An all-weather attraction outside College Avenue Labs adopts a particularly magical look at this special time of year.

The sights from Maynard Street, bringing enlightenment to tomorrow makers

The sights from Maynard Street, bringing enlightenment to tomorrow makers

A tin soldier stands his post, 24/7, for weeks to come ...

A tin soldier stands his post, 24/7, for weeks to come ...

... perhaps safeguarding the gifts near his oversized boots.

... perhaps safeguarding the gifts near his oversized boots.

The Veterans Holiday Tree, actually the third tree to be enlisted for the cause in the past eight years, stands proud and tall outside a newly named landmark.

The Veterans Holiday Tree, actually the third tree to be enlisted for the cause in the past eight years, stands proud and tall outside a newly named landmark.

Lighting the way to The Madigan Library ...

Lighting the way to The Madigan Library ...

... where multicolored lights gleam ...

... where multicolored lights gleam ...

... and a popular patio provides an only-slightly chilly spot for respite and reflection.

... and a popular patio provides an only-slightly chilly spot for respite and reflection.

Candy canes line the fence alongside Campus View Apartments ...

Candy canes line the fence alongside Campus View Apartments ...

... where a snowflake presciently joins the fun.

... where a snowflake presciently joins the fun.

A tree outside the Bush Campus Center offers a beacon of Wildcat blue.

A tree outside the Bush Campus Center offers a beacon of Wildcat blue.

Campus housing glows, as well, silently telling a west-side story.

Campus housing glows, as well, silently telling a west-side story.

To protect and serve ... and, on occasion, to sparkle

To protect and serve ... and, on occasion, to sparkle

A splash of holiday red adorns the commemorative pillars at the gateway to campus.

A splash of holiday red adorns the commemorative pillars at the gateway to campus.

Trees outside the ROTC House glisten in appropriate red, white and blue.

Trees outside the ROTC House glisten in appropriate red, white and blue.

A golden glow warms the Thompson Professional Development Center, where students recently gathered for the Wildcat Events Board's Snow Ball.

A golden glow warms the Thompson Professional Development Center, where students recently gathered for the Wildcat Events Board's Snow Ball.

Another year in the books, with many more to come!

Another year in the books, with many more to come!