Penn College News

Photo exhibits highlight students' eye-catching coursework

Friday, December 9, 2022

Two photography exhibits are showcasing the creative skills of Pennsylvania College of Technology students.

One exhibit is on the first floor of the Community Arts Center in downtown Williamsport and is viewable through the center’s glass windows or from the inside when the facility is open. The other display is at Bookmarks Café on the first floor of The Madigan Library on the Penn College campus. The works will be exhibited through at least the end of January (possibly longer).

A glorious eyeful awaits CAC patrons and passersby alike.Student work attractively accents walls in Bookmarks Café.The exhibited photos are from 22 students representing four Fall 2022 sections of Digital Photography (PHO150) taught by Joanna K. Yoder, instructor of photography.

Some of the students have a background in art and design and took the class as part of their coursework for Penn College’s graphic design or advertising art majors. A few others are pursuing a minor in photography.

There were also a number of students from a variety of college majors, who had never taken an art or photography course and enrolled in the class as an art elective.

“I am so proud of the work students produced in digital photography this semester,” Yoder said. “I had a wonderful group of students who really experimented and pushed themselves to take creative risks, developing their ability to see the world differently through photography – whether it was attaching sparklers to a bike wheel and spinning it to capture the blurred motion of the fire as it spun around, to taking their digital cameras along on a fishing trip and creatively photographing the river to create a sense of place.”

Yoder was assisted in installing the exhibits by Penny Griffin Lutz, director of The Gallery at Penn College.

The Madigan Library is closed Dec. 10-11, but it will be open varying hours Dec. 12-16. The library and Penn College will be closed Dec. 17 through Jan. 2 and will reopen on Jan. 3. Although Bookmarks Café’s hours may vary, the exhibit is viewable whenever the library is open.

The CAC has three more shows in December before it closes for the holidays, and the theater will also resume regular hours in early January.

“I’m thrilled to hear we are highlighting Penn College graphic design and advertising art students at the Community Arts Center,” said Ana Gonzalez-White, college relations officer in charge of development for the CAC. “Any opportunity to showcase and promote their work is not only good for the students, but also members of the community. Community is not only in our name, it’s part of our mission. It will be nice to have their art and design work there for our patrons to enjoy.”

The Community Arts Center is owned and operated by Penn College, a national leader in applied technology education.

Photos provided