Penn College News

Penn State DuBois guests get impactful glimpse of main campus

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A leadership contingent from Penn State DuBois sweepingly explored Penn College's main campus on Tuesday, stopping by ... walking by ... and being greatly impressed by the variety of academic areas and services that give students a full collegiate experience and develop their workforce readiness. Making the visit from the commonwealth campus, about 110 miles west of Williamsport, were: Jungwoo Ryoo, chancellor and chief academic officer; Alex Gasbarre, chief executive officer of Gasbarre Products Inc., a DuBois-based supplier to the powder metallurgy, particulate materials and thermal processing industries; John P. Brennan, director of continuing and community education; and Bradley W. Lashinsky, program director, North Central PA LaunchBox at the DuBois campus.

"Anytime we can learn from one another, and find mutually beneficial opportunities for our students and industry, is a good day," said President Michael J. Reed, who met Ryoo several weeks ago and bolstered that connection during Tuesday's visit. "There is much to discuss about our common goals – and ways in which to achieve them – and we welcome the ongoing collaboration."

Led by Loni N. Kline, vice president for college relations/chief philanthropy officer, and Anthony J. Pace, dean of academic operations – and joined by Reed and Patrick Marty, chief of staff – the group toured or made note of The Madigan Library, Center for Career Design, plastics, dental hygiene, the Field House and UPMC Field, collision repair and automotive restoration, welding, machining, the mall, Klump Academic Center, The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College, human services & restorative justice, the Children's Learning Center, brewing & fermentation, and a patisserie sale before lunch at Le Jeune Chef Restaurant.

– Photos by Cindy Davis Meixel, writer/photo editor

 Reed, Gasbarre and Ryoo forge vital connections in the college's Makerspace, a proven venue for collaboration.

Reed, Gasbarre and Ryoo forge vital connections in the college's Makerspace, a proven venue for collaboration.

Ryoo and Reed, who met at a Penn State event several weeks ago, strengthen that bond.

Ryoo and Reed, who met at a Penn State event several weeks ago, strengthen that bond.

Gasbarre holds a Thanksgiving cake he scored at the patisserie sale outside Le Jeune Chef. All of the tour guests departed the restaurant with complimentary treats.

Gasbarre holds a Thanksgiving cake he scored at the patisserie sale outside Le Jeune Chef. All of the tour guests departed the restaurant with complimentary treats.

Prior to setting off on their wide-ranging campus tour, the visitors pause for a group photo with Penn College’s president on the third floor of the Davie Jane Gilmour Center. From left: Brennan, Reed, Ryoo, Gasbarre and Lashinsky.

Prior to setting off on their wide-ranging campus tour, the visitors pause for a group photo with Penn College’s president on the third floor of the Davie Jane Gilmour Center. From left: Brennan, Reed, Ryoo, Gasbarre and Lashinsky.

On the third floor of The Madigan Library, Kline leads guests into the Center for Career Design. Pace (far right background) co-led the campus tour.

On the third floor of The Madigan Library, Kline leads guests into the Center for Career Design. Pace (far right background) co-led the campus tour.

Wearing a Penn State T-shirt, Richard K. Hendricks, instructor of machine tool technology/automated manufacturing (and father of two Penn State students), converses with the special visitors.

Wearing a Penn State T-shirt, Richard K. Hendricks, instructor of machine tool technology/automated manufacturing (and father of two Penn State students), converses with the special visitors.