Penn College News

Paying a visit ... and paying respects

Thursday, November 17, 2022

"President Mike" goes on the level for a kid's-eye viewpoint.Hillary E. Hofstrom – who, as a parent and as vice president for people and culture, fully appreciates the CLC's merits – has hands-on fun with a table of young artisans.Reed stops in mid-scoop to share the pride and joy of purposeful play.The ever-friendly faces of the Dunham Children’s Learning Center have been busy lately, meeting and greeting people at the center and around campus.

The first adventure was a visit by Penn College President Michael J. Reed, who wanted to see firsthand what the children and their families create and learn every day at the CLC.

Beaver and Burke accept the children's handcrafted wishes on behalf of Penn College veterans (themselves unassumingly included)."It was great to inform him about the wonderful benefit that the center allows for our student families, as well as for faculty, staff and alumni," said Linda A. Reichert, the center's director (who also provided the photos). "The children welcomed him with open arms, as they are all accustomed to having regular visitors and students in the center as a lab for adult learners."

The youngsters later ventured out to visit Veteran & Military Services in the Davie Jane Gilmour Center to show appreciation for all that servicemen and women do to keep America safe. The children presented Chet Beaver, coordinator, and Katie C. Burke, veteran services specialist, with a huge heart featuring all of their painted handprints, as well as individual patriotic "Thank you" cards.