Penn College News

Donors help check 'Global Experience' off student's wish list

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Hannah C RegesterNo, it's not déjà vu!

When someone contributes to another someone's peerless educational experience abroad, gratitude is a message worth repeating. And Hannah C. Regester, who completed a certificate in professional baking in August – not long after a transformative 16-day exploration of Italy's culture and cuisine – has no issue with seconding other students' sincere affection for Penn College's selfless benefactors.

"This has been a bucket list item of mine for years, but I never thought it would be possible in college,” Regester said. “Not only has it opened my eyes to future traveling adventures in the works, but it has helped me improve flavor exploration and understand the importance of simplicity.”

College Relations' "Give Thanks, Paw It Forward" movement has brought campus attention to a variety of heartwarming stories this week, while providing students with multiple avenues for expressing their gratefulness: a dedicated hashtag, for instance, along with handwritten "thank you" notes to donors and a collection on behalf of The Cupboard food pantry.