Penn College News

Penn College hosting 'Survivors of Suicide Loss Day' event Saturday

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Penn College Counseling Services and the Wellness Education Office are co-sponsoring a local conference site for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day from 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Nov. 19, in the Thompson Professional Development Center’s Mountain Laurel Room.

Survivors Day is a free event in which survivors of suicide loss come together to find connection, understanding and hope through their shared experience.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss DayThere will be a showing of a short documentary produced by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, as well as words from a speaker and conversation among attendees regarding their experiences with loss.

If you, or someone you know, has experienced a loss due to suicide, consider attending. Though this conference site for Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is sponsored by Penn College, registration is open to all individuals in Lycoming County.

In the words of previous Survivors Day event attendees:

  • “It gave me a chance to talk with other people that have gone through or are going through the same thing as I am. By doing so, I got to find out that the things I am thinking and feeling are actually quite normal, and that there is nothing wrong with me.”

  • “It was so helpful to realize there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way of dealing with suicide loss. I have learned to be less judgmental and have more empathy.”

  • “As I was the person in attendance who had been surviving suicide the longest, I was able to share with more recent loss survivors that although the pain and grief remain, you can make it through.”

Those with questions are encouraged to email Calli R. Ackels, wellness education coordinator, or Kathy W. Zakarian, director of counseling.