Penn College News

Fresh start, new life, boundless future

Monday, November 14, 2022

Ashlee Felix-TaverasThe second day of College Relations' “Give Thanks, Paw It Forward” campaign shines a deserved light on Ashlee Felix-Taveras, who transferred into the human services & restorative justice major after trying on a few academic hats at two other institutions. Inspired by her program and destined for success upon her graduation next month, she is grateful for a campus community that has embraced her and her young daughter.

"The atmosphere here is very helpful with that. My professors are very flexible, even if I have to bring her in with me or if I need to miss class because she is sick," said Felix-Taveras, who also assists the Admissions Office on a part-time basis. "I’ve been able to attend classes remotely in some cases. Also, Penn College has a day care and it's an educational day care. She's getting all the help that I know she's going to need. This place is amazing for students like me who are nontraditional and have children of their own. And I very much appreciate that."

As part of the “Give Thanks, Paw It Forward” initiative, contributions to The Cupboard (the college's food pantry) are being accepted throughout the week. Personal hygiene items – shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, tissues, feminine hygiene products or paper towels can be dropped into the large blue bin in the Bush Campus Center lobby. Monetary donations, also welcome, can be made through College Relations.