Penn College News

Military service honored as college observes Veterans Day

Thursday, November 10, 2022

On this Veterans Day, we salute the Pennsylvania College of Technology students, faculty and staff who have served (or continue to serve) their country.

One of Penn College’s many benefits for veterans and currently serving military is a central location to gather, collaborate and study: the Major General Fred F. Marty Veterans & Military Resource Center. Others include an in-state tuition rate, waiver of tuition deposit, outreach program for veteran-student families, and reduced fees at the Dunham Children’s Learning Center.Members of the campus community are encouraged to join in paying tribute to these colleagues, who are among those we recognize:

Kristen A. Bastion, allied health; Air Force, four years and four months
Willow N. Best, nursing; Pennsylvania Army National Guard, seven years
Roger D. Bohner Jr., aviation maintenance technology; Army, 21 years
Marley Gresh, nursing, active-duty Army, four years
Logan M. Haga, automotive restoration technology and collision repair technology; active-duty Army, seven years
Robert A. Luna, health science, Marine Corps
Bryan K. Parsons, metal fabrication technology; Army, 34 years
Christopher S. Sandoval, nursing; Army, 22 years
Jacob K. Schreckengast, pre-physician assistant studies; active-duty Navy, 2017-22
Cody D. Smith, business administration; Navy, 2011-16
Dan N. Vasko Jr., automotive technology management; active-duty Navy, 2002-16

The colors near the main entrance epitomize the service and sacrifice of Pennsylvania College of Technology's military family.Faculty
Marcia M. Bartlett, Navy, 10 years
John F. Chappo, Army, 1986-90 (82nd Airborne Division)
Dennis R. Dorward, Army, 1982-85
John M. Good III, Army, five years
Craig D. Hostrander, Coast Guard, six years
Jack J. Jones, Air Force, 1995-99
Robert I. Mitchell, Air Force, 22 years
David M. Moyer, Marine Corps, two years
Jose M. Perez Jr., Army, 1990-99
Robert P. Rook, Navy, 23 years
Todd R. Smith, Army, 1983-2005
Robert K. Vlacich, Army, 1997-2000

David A. Bates, Navy
Chet Beaver, Army, 25  years
Ron H. Beck, Marine Corps, four years; Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 16 years
Justin W. Beishline, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, seven years
Danna M. Brooks, Air Force, four years
Katie C. Burke, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, nine years
Chris S. Frey Sr., Air Force, three years
Thomas W. Fry, Marine Corps, eight years’ active duty
Scott A. Geist, Navy, 21 years
Franklin D. Gillis, Navy (Submarine Force), 20 years
Geoffrey B. Hensley, Navy, six years
David A. Phillips, Air Force
Daniel C. Praster, Army (retired), 17 years
Timothy O. Rissel, Navy, 2003-11
Heather M. Shuey, Army, 12 years
Walter J. Shultz Jr., Navy, 1993-99
Rebecca A. Steer, Army, 17 years (active duty and reserve)
Kimberly Venti, Air Force, four years

Across campus, as in the Davie Jane Gilmour Center, “empty table” displays pay silent tribute.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Lists were compiled from student and employee responses to collegewide email messages.)

Solemn remembrance
Tables, each set for one and honoring all branches of the U.S. military, have again been placed at various campus locations in honor of fallen and missing military personnel.