Penn College News

Electrical class pulls its weight ... and then some

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Joe R. Raup's Electrical Construction Lab III–Industrial class took part in a memorable project on Monday, lending capable hands to ongoing renovation of the heating, ventilation & air conditioning lab in the Carl Building Technologies Center.

Raup (right) helps students stay on the winning side of a strenuous "tug of war."Electrical students employ teamwork in a project of cross-curricular benefit to HVAC students."Students pulled in wire that is rated to carry 300 amps at 208 volts," said Raup, a Penn College alumnus and instructor of electrical technology/occupations. "The length is approximately 170 feet from the source to the new lab area, and total weight of the wire is approximately 1,000 pounds. This is the first of three circuits of this size needed to meet the needs of the new HVAC lab." (Supply chain issues will likely delay work with the remaining two circuits until at least spring, he added.)

It's a lot to unpack ... AND to unspool!Involved in the wire pull were D'Angelo K. Batista, East Stroudsburg; Aidan J. Bedara, Hatboro, Jake M. Braucher, Mohrsville, Keegan A. Braund, Milan; Jacob Clewell, Saylorsburg; Brennen J. Dugan, Altoona; Thomas B. Lyons, Lewisburg; Kevin B. Mayson, Sharon Hill; Craig A. Seasholtz, Avis; and Holden Stiely, Elizabethville. Bedara and Mayson are enrolled in building automation engineering technology; the others are all electrical construction students.

Students collaborate on a peerless instructional opportunity – the kind that seem to happen quite often in Penn College's hands-on world.

Also very helpful was Darrin S. Morse, instructor of electrical construction.

Photos by Stacey C. Hampton, assistant dean of industrial and computer technologies