Penn College News

D.C. bus trip among Constitution Week activities

Monday, September 12, 2022

A red, white and blue display reflects the primacy, flexibility and resiliency of the U.S. Constitution (along with a QR code for further exploration).Sound advice, especially on days when neighbors agree to disagree.Pocket-sized copies are among giveaways at the display table, where content will be rotated several times throughout the week.Voter registration material and stickers encourage involvement in the electoral process. Deadline alert: Oct. 24 is the last day to register before the Nov. 8 midterm election in Pennsylvania.The annual observance of Constitution Week at Penn College, marking the Sept. 17, 1787, adoption of the foundational American document by the Congress of the Confederation, began with an information table in the Bush Campus Center. The celebration culminates in American History Trivia, from 6-8 p.m. Friday in Penn's Inn, and a Sunday bus trip to Washington, D.C. Signups begin at 8 a.m. Tuesday at the CC Information Desk; tickets are $10 each (students can purchase two and bring a guest).
Photos by Meghan R. Delsite Coleman, assistant director of student engagement