Penn College News

A balmy breakout session

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

We've saved this one for a rainy week: a sun-drenched reminder of what a Penn College summer looks like when we're not getting a long-overdue soaker. About 25 people recently joined the Student Engagement Office for a nature ESCape to the Great Outdoors, transported to the Schneebeli Earth Science Center for several hours of angling, trekking, food, lawn games and more! Students enjoyed a fishing contest and kayaking at the pond; hiking on ESC's scenic woodland trails; demonstrations by forestry instructor Dustin J. Bartron and the Wildcat archery team; and marshmallows and hot dogs for roasting.

– Photos by Frank T. Kocsis III, student photographer

Ryan S. McCrickerd, an aviation maintenance technology student from Bethlehem, tries his luck from the deck ...

Ryan S. McCrickerd, an aviation maintenance technology student from Bethlehem, tries his luck from the deck ...

... while Jake M. Spinosa attempts a perfect cast from the bank. The Wood Ridge, N.J., resident is enrolled in heavy construction equipment technology: technician emphasis.

... while Jake M. Spinosa attempts a perfect cast from the bank. The Wood-Ridge, N.J., resident is enrolled in heavy construction equipment technology: technician emphasis.

With Penn's Woods all around, a hatchet awaits a willing hand.

With Penn's Woods all around, a hatchet awaits a willing hand.

... and takes a solo paddle around the ESC's signature 2.5-acre waterway.

... and takes a solo paddle around the ESC's signature 2.5-acre waterway.

Gorgeously golden-brown and oh-so-yummy

Gorgeously golden-brown and oh-so-yummy

Baiting the line for an enjoyable day ahead

Baiting the line for an enjoyable day ahead

Construction management student James C. Fretz (right), Collegeville, Md., waits his turn in a cornhole match with Kellor A. Schooley, Turbotville, network administration and engineering technology ...

Construction management student James C. Fretz (right), Collegeville, Md., waits his turn in a cornhole match with Kellor A. Schooley, Turbotville, network administration and engineering technology ...