– Photos by Alexis M. Burrell, student photographer
VEX Robotics set up two 6-by-8 courts on which attendees could drive robots. A Loyalsock Township Middle School sixth grader here teaches kids how to control the robots, manuevering them to pick up and transport cubes. (The other stand, for high schoolers, used balls instead of cubes.)
A wind tunnel carries the breath of fascination.
The younger, the better, when instilling a "hands-on" philosophy
Parachuting soldiers, constructed on-site, are launched high above the exhibition floor.
Electrical technology students make a show of "red light, green light."
Yet another popular spot: the make-your-own-button station!
Entranced eyes track a robot as it follows a marker-drawn route.
The science of scat: Participants try to gamely determine which Pennsylvania animals left which droppings.
Honey sticks were among the giveaways at this booth, where children could pet a mounted bear cub.
Using a blacklight, Alpha Chi educated people on germs and handwashing. (This particular girl spent a looooong time in the bathroom scrubbing her hands and was horrified when the light revealed the stubbornly remaining microorganisms.)
Lycoming County Resource Management Services imparts the benefits of recycling.
Children look at a 3D model rendering of the Field House on a Larson Design Group monitor.