Penn College News

'Hope floats' across campus

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Stabley arranges some of the flock for photos.The ceramic birds are finished with an attractive gloss ... ... and such uplifting messages on the flip side as, "Live with grace and humility and with love in your heart."On the wings of birds, hopeful messages will float across campus this week. Keep watch! Enjoy the art!

A flock of more than 100 birds, crafted by students in Ceramics I and II classes, will be “released” and placed in various Penn College buildings. Finders keepers!

“They can be found in many buildings on campus,” said Deborah L. Stabley, an adjunct art faculty member who teaches the ceramics classes along with her husband, David A., instructor of ceramics and wood sculpture. “If you find one, enjoy its message. Keep it for yourself or pass it along for someone else to appreciate. Spread the message of joy and hope in these times when the world truly needs it!”

The Stableys conceived of the idea about a month ago, as the global pandemic was marking its two-year anniversary and Russia was invading Ukraine. The art educators believed their students – and the campus as a whole – could benefit from a little lift of hope ... on the wings of colorful, clay birds. (Watch PCToday for more on the spirit-soaring project.)
Photos by Alexis M. Burrell, student photographer