Penn College News

'Be that person for someone else'

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Pennsylvania College of Technology's "Women's Wednesday" series continued this week with Stacey C. Hampton, assistant dean of industrial and computer technologies, engaging students during a late-afternoon social in College Avenue Labs.

With a background in elementary and early childhood education, as well as experience in 4-H and literacy programs, Hampton joined the college staff in 2006 as a matriculation and retention coordinator. Among the acknowledged keys to her success, both in personal development and institutional outreach, are the connections that she's made.

Stacey C. Hampton"When I first got here, I followed people around and asked a lot of questions. I just spent a ton of time building relationships," she said. "So my advice starts with, 'Do the work. Find the person who can be a good resource for you, then be that person for someone else.'"

Hampton's brief presentation sparked a candid and extended conversation with women representing School of Engineering Technologies majors from welding and manufacturing to engineering design and robotics.

Holding the assistant dean title along with two other women in the school – Kathleen D. Chesmel, materials science and engineering technologies, and Ellyn A. Lester, construction and architectural technologies – Hampton welcomes the "fresh, innovative perspective" that she and her colleagues bring to the table.

Rounding out the team are Bradley M. Webb, dean of engineering technologies, who she said takes a "Let's try it!" approach to leadership, and the school's other assistant deans (Justin W. Beishline, diesel technology and natural resources technologies, and Brett A. Reasner, transportation technologies) who add greatly to an atmosphere of support for students and the faculty who teach them.

Hampton connects with Janice H. Strachan, a welding and fabrication engineering design technology student from Bronx, N.Y., on the verge of graduation and a career move to New Jersey.Encouraging giveaways for Penn College women and their alliesTwo of the college's three women in automation and robotics – Bronx, N.Y., native Angelica J. Parrocho (left) and Kayla M. Figuereo, of Edgewater Park, N.J. – share their unprecedented story with a proven advocate for women in STEM."You never stop learning," Hampton remarked, noting that her daily duties have her asking questions and building relationships anew. "It's making me think about 'stuff' all over again. I like to solve problems; if I don't know the answer, I'll keep asking questions until I find it!"

Chesmel will conclude the series, held in conjunction with Women's History Month, from 10 a.m.-noon March 30 in the Bush Campus Center's first-floor lounge.