Penn College News

Today's 'Women in STEM' inspire future leaders

Monday, March 7, 2022

Joining in the observance of International Women's Day (March 8) – an occasion to highlight the social, cultural, political and economic accomplishments of women the world over – PCToday shares a close-to-home look at students raising the bar for their peers and for all of the tomorrow makers yet to come. Alumni mentors will be featured throughout Women's History Month on Penn College's social media platforms (#herstoryherpath), and several students in science, technology, engineering and math fields are showcased in conjunction with Tuesday's global celebration.

Morgan R. BagenstoseMorgan R. Bagenstose
Engineering design technology

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
"To me, International Women's Day is a day that women can show off their skills and accomplishments that may get overlooked in day-to-day life. It is a day where women can really show off what they do and get recognition or appreciation for it."

What advice do you have for females interested in a STEM field or your major?
"I would tell them to 'Just do it.' They may get pushback from others but, in the end, they will be happier by doing what they love and are interested in.  And that they should join a club, group or organization. These are great ways to broaden their skills and show off what they know.  They also act as great supports when you get stuck or are struggling in classes or other aspects of life."


Leslie Escamilla-AmbrosioLeslie Escamilla-Ambrosio
Corona, N.Y.
Information assurance and cyber security

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
"International Women's Day means to me so many things. It means my female professors, friends and family and overall, the women around the world that help make this world a safer place for us. This day is a reminder of the way that women have fought to be known and recognized in all aspects of what we know today such as in the workplace, in the government – even at things such as social events. It's a reminder that we are capable of doing great things and that we are unique, beautiful and strong in every way possible. International Women's Day makes us think about the women who have impacted us anywhere from a teacher to our mothers, who have, in one way or another, shown us a path we have taken at this point."

What advice do you have for females interested in a STEM field or your major?
"The advice that I have for women who want to enter cybersecurity is to never feel like you aren't doing enough. Our major is male-dominated and can be very intimidating to be one of the only girls in the room, but there is a place in the table for us. What has helped me get through this major the past three years is a great support system who can understand what I have gone through. Above all, the best advice anyone can give to a woman going into STEM is, 'Be heard." Our voices are important and even if we aren't being heard the first time, we still need to speak out on what we know and what we believe because that's how we change how our major views and understands women."


Marcayla M. LutzkaninMarcayla M. Lutzkanin
Port Carbon
Diesel technology, heavy construction equipment technology: Caterpillar equipment emphasis, and applied management

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
"International Women's Day is important to me because women are always getting looked down on and we deserve to be recognized. Women have come a long way in our country with civil rights, working rights and much more. Being a woman now is much different than what it was 50 years ago. I am glad we have come so far, but there is more to come."

What advice do you have for females interested in a STEM field or your major?
"My advice for females entering the diesel and heavy equipment industry is, 'Do not listen to the people with negative comments. Always keep your head up and push yourself. You are smart enough and you are strong enough. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to no matter what anybody says to you. You got this; we all do.'"


Lauryn A. StaufferLauryn A. Stauffer
Automation engineering technology: robotics and automation

What does International Women's Day mean to you?
"The meaning of International Women’s Day is being able to showcase the offerings females make every day in our society."

What advice do you have for females interested in a STEM field or your major?
"As I am progressing through my major, I realized it is OK to get comfortable with the feeling of being uncomfortable. You may think you can’t do something, but in reality, you really much can! It is OK to feel uncomfortable and to do things you never did before, 'cause who knows: You may actually like it! When I approached electronics, I was afraid; six years later, I am pursuing a degree in robotics and automation. 'Dream big, girls. You can do it!'"

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