Penn College News

Welding grad chosen as 'Emerging Leader' by manufacturers' group

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Erin M. BeaverWelding alumna Erin M. Beaver, an intermediate manufacturing engineer for the Harley-Davidson Motor Co. in York, has been chosen as an "Emerging Leader" among the 130 recipients of this year's STEP Ahead Awards from The Manufacturing Institute.

This is the 10th year for the peer-nominated awards, which honor women for their contributions and impact in both manufacturing and their communities. The Emerging Leader designation represents young women who are the future of the industry and who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments at the beginning of their careers.

“I am passionate about manufacturing because it’s always evolving and that, in turn, creates opportunity for personal growth – whether it be through gaining different experiences or learning a new technology," said Beaver, who earned a bachelor's degree in welding and fabrication engineering technology in 2019. "Continuing to grow is important to me, and a career in manufacturing supports that.”

While at Penn College, Beaver and two classmates formed an all-female team that competed at the SkillsUSA National Championships in Louisville, Kentucky.

She and the other honorees will formally receive their awards at an April 28 gala in Washington, D.C.