Penn College News

Top-notch lineup encourages tomorrow's campus leaders

Saturday, February 12, 2022

 President Davie Jane Gilmour opens the daylong event, applauding students' first step at "making a difference on campus and in the lives of others."Grove's "Reflection and Preparation" activity, a work-in-progress for prospective student leaders, encouraged respondents' self-assessment as a tool to make new friends.Applicants in four categories of paid student leadership positions – Resident Assistant, Connections Links, Presidential Student Ambassadors and Student College Relations Assistants – kicked off their Super Bowl weekend Saturday with insight and inspiration from an all-pro roster of campus motivators.

The Staff Selection Leadership Summit in the Bush Campus Center, organized by Meghan R. Delsite Coleman, assistant director of student engagement, offered a varied menu of programming aimed at helping students nurture their leadership potential and become the best versions of themselves.

Kline engages her audience during a discussion of "Communication and Teamwork," one of three sessions that the job applicants were required to attend. Others were "Passion Into Purpose," with Elliott Strickland; and Pace's primer on "Organizational Efficiency."Delsite Coleman (far left) moderates the Leadership Panel, eliciting perceptive comments from administrators and students. Seated (from left) are Anthony J. Pace, dean of academic operations; President Gilmour; Elliott Strickland, vice president for student affairs; construction management student Danielle E. Malesky, an RA and Presidential Student Ambassador; graphic design student Ally N. Moore, Student College Relations Assistant; Loni D. Kline, vice president for college relations/chief philanthropy officer; and Carolyn R. Strickland.Following a welcome from President Davie Jane Gilmour, the agenda comprised an introspective exercise with Allison A. Bressler Grove, director of student engagement; a conversation in which panelists answered such questions as, "What does leadership mean to you?" and "What was your most impactful leadership position?"; a trio of concurrent breakout sessions; lunch in CC Commons; resume development with Lizze R. Winters, coordinator of career programming; and a closing message from keynoter Carolyn R. Strickland, vice president for enrollment management/associate provost.