Penn College News

Closing the door on 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Penn College community once again dressed its front doors in their holiday best, a precursor to reopening them next month to let in the new year. Prizes were awarded for the top three doors designed/decorated by student organizations, as well as the top three entries by college offices/departments. Cash prizes of $200, $150 and $100 were deposited into the accounts of the winning student organizations; first prize among offices/departments was a Le Jeune Chef Restaurant lunch for all decorating participants, and second- and third-prize winners will be treated to breakfast there. The contest, celebrating a variety of traditions and faiths, was judged by General Services staff.

– Photos by Annika I. Turner, student engagement event assistant (unless otherwise noted)



Alpha Chi Honor Society

Alpha Chi Honor Society

Architecture & Sustainable Design Senior Class – Second place, student organizations

Architecture & Sustainable Design Senior Class – Second place, student organizations

Black Student Union

Black Student Union

Counseling Services

Counseling Services

Dining Services – First place, offices and departments

Dining Services – First place, offices and departments

Disability and Access Resources

Disability and Access Resources

Enrollment Management

Enrollment Management

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

Financial Operations

Financial Operations

Fitness Center

Fitness Center

General Services – Second place, offices and departments

General Services – Second place, offices and departments

Human Resources

Human Resources

K-12 Outreach

K-12 Outreach

K-12 Outreach (Part 2!)

K-12 Outreach (Part 2!)

LEAP Center

LEAP Center

Madigan Library

Madigan Library

Mail Services – Third place, offices and departments (photo by Cheryl A. Rice, mail services assistant)

Mail Services – Third place, offices and departments (photo by Cheryl A. Rice, mail services assistant)

Nursing Lab

Nursing Lab

Physician Assistant Club

Physician Assistant Club

Penn College Construction Association

Penn College Construction Association

Penn College Student Veteran Organization – Third place, student organizations

Penn College Student Veteran Organization – Third place, student organizations

Residence Life

Residence Life

Student American Dental Hygienists' Association

Student American Dental Hygienists' Association

Ski and Outdoors Club – First place, student organizations

Ski and Outdoors Club – First place, student organizations

Student Affairs

Student Affairs

Student Engagement

Student Engagement

Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Executive Offices (photo by Valerie A. Baier, coordinator of president's office operations)

Executive Offices (photo by Valerie A. Baier, coordinator of president's office operations)

School of Engineering Technologies (photo by Stacey C. Hampton, assistant dean of industrial and computer technologies)

School of Engineering Technologies (photo by Stacey C. Hampton, assistant dean of industrial and computer technologies)