Penn College News

Native American touch flavors CC's lunch offerings

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Taco fixin's are accompanied by a poster that explores Native American culture and encourages an accurate appraisal of the Thanksgiving holiday.A statement developed over the summer respects that Indigenous peoples were original stewards of the property from which the campus arose.The legend of The Three Sisters references the complementary crops that sustained Indigenous society.The serve-yourself tables feature food from Tomahawks, a taco shop on Chestnut Street in Mifflinville.A lunchtime display in the Bush Campus Center on Thursday helped celebrate Native American History Month, including food that honors the area's Indigenous culture. Alumnus Joseph M. Haber ('11, radiography) catered from his Tomahawks taco restaurant in Mifflinburg, which honors his Mohawk roots both in its decor and by using such ingredients as ground venison, red beans, smoked cranberries, cider-braised turkey, corn and roasted squash. The display included information about "The Three Sisters," the agricultural intertwining of squash, corn and beans; as well as Penn College's land acknowledgement.
Photos by Meghan Delsite Coleman, assistant director of student engagement