Penn College News

Outdoor recreation inspires leadership

Friday, November 12, 2021

Colin G. Browne Jr.Each November brings another opportunity for Penn College students to "Give Thanks" – a peer-to-peer initiative to express gratitude for those who invest in their success – and 2021 is no exception. This year's observance again includes several blog posts, starting with a New York City native who has found a home within the expansive shelter of Penn's Woods. Colin G. Browne Jr.'s blog entry, drawn from his grateful remarks at the August dedication of the Fish Real Estate Leadership Challenge Course, recounts his exposure to he college's natural surroundings through Rob Cooley's "Outdoor Recreation as a Therapeutic Tool" course. "I realize that much of what I have learned in this class, and all the other lessons I have learned thus far during my academic career at Penn College, are valuable lessons that I, and others, do not always think about using," wrote Browne, who aims to someday lead a youth advocacy support group.