Penn College News

College family’s service acknowledged on Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

On this Veterans Day, PCToday honors the Pennsylvania College of Technology students and employees who have served (or continue to serve) in the United States military.

"Old Glory" keeps a high-flying watch over Penn College, which salutes its on-campus servicemen and women on this Veterans Day – and every day.Members of the campus community are encouraged to join in paying tribute to these colleagues, who are among those we recognize:

Kristen A. Bastion, nursing; Air Force, four years and four months
Willow N. Best, pre-registered nurse; Army Reserve, six years
Brad S. Grenoble, emergency management technology; active-duty Navy, 2006-10
Ryan J. Hoffman, electrical technology; Navy, four years
Kristien Quinanilla, human services and restorative justice; Pennsylvania Army National Guard, five-plus years
Josh A. Rea, information assurance and cyber security; Pennsylvania Army National Guard, January 2020 to present
Joyce M. Fernandez Rivera, emergency management and homeland security; Army National Guard, five years
Chris Rogers, electronics and computer engineering technology: electronics and computer engineering emphasis; Navy, 22 years
Palmer W. Simpson III, automotive technology management: automotive technology concentration; Marine Corps, 1994-2014
Dan N. Vasko Jr., automotive technology management; Navy, 2002-16

Marcia M. Bartlett, Navy, 1988-98
Kimberly A. Calvert, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 2002-08 (including an 18-month combat deployment to Ramadi, Iraq, 2005-06)
John F. Chappo, Army, 1986-90 (82nd Airborne Division)
Dennis R. Dorward, Army, three years
Walter V. Gower, Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve (retired), 22 years
Todd R. Smith, Army, 1983-2005
Thomas A. Zimmerman, Navy Reserve, 30 years

David A. Bates, Navy
Chet Beaver, Army, 24-plus years
Justin W. Beishline, Army National Guard, six years
Danna M. Brooks, Air Force, four years
Dr. Gregory R. Frailey, Navy, 25 years
Chris S. Frey, Air Force, three years
Thomas W. Fry, Marine Corps, eight years’ active duty
Geoff B. Hensley, Navy, six years
Craig D. Hostrander, Coast Guard, seven years
Patrick Marty, Army, 1991-95
David A. Phillips, Air Force, 28 years of federal service
Timothy O. Rissel, Navy, 2003-11
Heather M. Shuey, Army, 12 years
Walter J. Shultz Jr., Navy, 1993-99
Kimberly Venti, Air Force, four years

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Lists were compiled from student and employee responses to collegewide email messages.)

Empty tables hold reminders of those who answered the call and paid the ultimate price.A lemon slice denotes the bitterness of loss.A solemn vow: "They will not be forgotten"A solitary rose honors the fallen ... and the faithful left behind.Tables, each set for one and honoring all branches of the U.S. military, have again been placed at various campus locations in honor of fallen and missing military personnel. During Penn College’s Veterans Day observance, the tables can be seen in Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, CC Commons (shown in photos), the Keystone Dining Room, Dauphin Hall, Madigan Library, and the Student & Administrative Services Center.

"Empty table" photos by Alexis M. Burrell, student photographer