Penn College News

Now showing on a screen near you: 'Another Halloween Sequel'

Monday, November 1, 2021

Penn College's busily imaginative student organizations filled the weekend calendar so full that it spilled over into a second PCToday photo gallery! Wrapping up the Halloween happenings were the Wildcat Event Board's "Pumpkin Fest," moved into the Field House by Friday evening's rain; Sunday afternoon's "Trunk or Treat" car show sponsored by a coalition of vehicle-related student organizations (and rescheduled from Saturday due to showers); and Halloween evening's "Zombie Laser Tag," moved indoors by the threat of rain – but ultimately more deluged by the walking (and sprinting) dead.

– Photos by Kollin G. Kisner, student photographer

 A host of ghosts adorns this Pumpkin Fest contribution, punctuated by an artist's steady hand.

A host of ghosts adorns this Pumpkin Fest contribution, punctuated by an artist's steady hand.

A pumpkin

A pumpkin "pi" takes shape to commemorate the Sigma Pi fraternity, among the Greek organizations recognized by Penn College.

This one's for anyone asking,

This one's for anyone asking, "Why aren't there more photos of students sitting on hay bales, handing out candy and blowing bubbles while wearing Vans and dressed like bananas?" Meet Nathan A. Smelser, of Mechanicsburg, an aviation maintenance technology major – and member of Penn College Benefiting THON, which annually raises money for the Penn State-based fight against pediatric cancer.

This jumpsuited Department of Corrections

This jumpsuited Department of Corrections "escapee" was among those distributing sweet treats at the car show, presumably earning sufficient "time off for good behavior" to allow a return to classes.

A dental-themed vehicle offers a reminder to practice good oral hygiene, especially after gobbling down a bucketful of sugared goodies.

A dental-themed vehicle offers a reminder to practice good oral hygiene, especially after gobbling down a bucketful of sugared goodies.

Remote-control cars await their next battle, alongside a uniquely automotive candy container.

Remote-control cars await their next battle, alongside a uniquely automotive candy container.

From the thickness of the cobwebs covering this out-of-state vehicle, one has to wonder just how long it's been parked on the Carl Building Technologies Center lot.

From the thickness of the cobwebs covering this out-of-state vehicle, one has to wonder just how long it's been parked on the Carl Building Technologies Center lot.

Would YOU buy a used car from these dealers?

Would YOU buy a used car from these dealers?

Adding a splash of color and more than a dash of fun

Adding a splash of color and more than a dash of fun

Staffing the table for PCMA, one of the event's co-sponsors (along with Penn College Cruisers, Baja SAE and Penn College Diesel Performance Club)

Staffing the table for PCMA, one of the event's co-sponsors (along with Penn College Cruisers, Baja SAE and Penn College Diesel Performance Club)

Hunting blinds, set up by WEB in the Field House, provide cover against a legendary foe.

Hunting blinds, set up by WEB in the Field House, provide cover against a legendary foe.

The chase is on, manifested in the blur of swift-footed pursuit.

The chase is on, manifested in the blur of swift-footed pursuit.

Phony firearms glow with the promise of immersive gameplay.

Phony firearms glow with the promise of immersive gameplay.