Penn College News

'Spirit Day' participants stand against bullying of LGBTQ+ youth

Friday, October 22, 2021

Alliance's "Spirit Day" group photo aims for LGBTQ+ community safety, comfort.In conjunction with October's designation as LGBTQ+ History Month, PC Alliance arranged a "Spirit Day" group photo of members and allies at the PCT floral sculpture near the Field House. The student organization invited the campus community to wear a red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple shirt on Thursday, replicating the rainbow pattern of the pride flag. "This picture with faculty/staff and PCA members allows those on campus to see some faces of friends who are here for them," said Zakariah Marshall, PC Alliance president and Student Government Association executive vice president. "I remember feeling alone as a freshman here, then I found PCA and was truly able to be myself. To those afraid to be who you are, I hope this picture gives you the ability to find safety and comfort because these are people who are here to support you. You aren’t and will never have to be alone. We love you, and you are valued and important." Other activities during the month included a roundtable discussion for National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11, an information table at the Bush Campus Center, and a reminder that Madigan Library has in-house and online community resources.
Photo by Todd Moore, student affairs marketing specialist