Penn College News


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Smokehouse PierogiesFall Harvest PierogiesCaprese PierogiesPumpkin Spice PierogiesPierogies were on the menu at Penn College on Wednesday in celebration of National Pierogy Day. Featuring Mrs. T’s pierogies, several dining units made the potato- and cheese-filled dumplings the star of the show.

Capitol Eatery, CC Commons, Keystone Dining Room and Penn Central served many pierogy dishes including: Smokehouse Pierogies, Fall Harvest Pierogies, Pumpkin Spice Pierogies, Ham & Broccoli Pierogy Quiche, Pierogy Stuffed Ham Loaf with Sweet Maple Glaze, and Pierogy Pizza.

To add to the event, fans of Mrs. T’s pierogies were able to grab some pierogy swag by trying their hand at pierogy trivia and cornhole.

Ham & Broccoli Pierogy QuichePierogy Pizza... with Mrs. T's swag at stake!Cornhole competition at KDR ...Also on Wednesday, Mrs. T’s representatives unveiled their newest national promotional spots, which featured Penn College students and Capitol Eatery.

The videos, filmed on location in July, will be shared with food service directors and executive chefs at colleges and universities throughout the country to showcase the benefits of Mrs. T’s pierogies.

Penn College students Caila N. Flanagan, Williamsport, business administration: management concentration; Michael E. Highland II, Slatington, electronics and computer engineering technology; Kellor A. Schooley, Turbotville, network administration and engineering technology; and Sophia G. Wiest, Butler, entrepreneurial innovation, were cast as “actors” for the marketing pieces.

Featured in videos filmed on campus are (from left) students Wiest, Highland, Flanagan and Schooley.Promotional video #1
Promotional video #2“Pierogy Day is one of our favorite events of the year.” said Amy S. Lingg, marketing assistant and CBORD specialist for Dining Services (who provided the photos from Wednesday's observance). “We love the creativity that our cooks bring to the plate in transforming the traditional pierogy into something delicious.” Dining Services plans to enter several of Wednesday’s recipes in Mrs. T’s Best Recipe Contest.