Penn College News

Beautification, beyond the lab

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Students improve the mall, a heavily traveled north-south thoroughfare through the heart of campus.New sidewalk adorns future "green space" at the site of a torn-down home recently purchased by the college.Reber (left) and students unfurl the paper stencil.The crew rolls the stencil into place for an attractively imprinted finish ... ... made even more so by a dash of uniquely applied color.Concrete science students – led by Franklin H. Reber Jr., instructor of building construction technology – continue to leave hands-on traces at Penn College, project after project after project. Just in the past few weeks, classes have poured standard concrete in two sections of the mall area that were in disrepair, used a "keystone stencil pattern" for decorative flair near the wine bottle flower display outside Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, and removed and replaced deteriorating sidewalk near a razed residence at Second Street and College Avenue.
First four photos provided by Andrea L. Dildine, horticulturist/grounds and motorpool manager