Penn College News

Mutual avenues explored during administrative visit to state Capitol

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Meeting in Harrisburg (from left) are Hess; Jason Snyder, deputy secretary, property and asset management; Secretary Topper; Reed; Kline; McKenzie; and Rissel.The group tours DGS' federal surplus warehouse, led by Michael Starr, chief of federal surplus and law enforcement property.Reed, beneath the state Capitol's magnificent domeFramed by the building's American Renaissance architecture, McKenzie appreciates the view ...... which takes in the Speaker K. LeRoy Irvis Office Building and other parts of the Capitol Complex.Four representatives of Penn College traveled to the state Capitol on Thursday to meet with officials in the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, including 1981 Williamsport Area Community College alumnus Kenneth Hess, deputy secretary for procurement.

"I enjoyed the opportunity to visit with Deputy Secretary Hess and the Department of General Services to continue our dialogue on maximizing opportunities for students, our college and the commonwealth," said Michael J. Reed, Penn College's vice president for academic affairs/provost. "The visit provided an in-depth tour and overview, delivering an ideal forum to think through how we leverage our collective strengths for future possibilities."

Reed  made the trip with Loni N. Kline, vice president for college relations; Ethan M. McKenzie, college relations fellow; and Timothy O. Rissel, executive director of Penn College General Services. "It was a pleasure to spend the day in Harrisburg with alumnus Deputy Secretary Hess and his colleagues in the Department of General Services," Kline added. "After touring the facilities and the Capitol through their lens, we left with an even greater understanding and appreciation for their significant role in the commonwealth. We look forward to continued and future collaborations."

Hess and DGS Secretary Curtis Topper were part of a contingent that visited the college's main campus in August, exploring academic offerings and how they mesh with state government priorities.

Photos by Natalie Kolb,
multimedia specialist, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Media Services