Penn College News

Flood-mitigation site visit follows campus discussion of levee system

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The congressman addresses the groupConcerns are aired and potential solutions are advanced in the PDC.Col. Estee Pinchasin, commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Baltimore District, shares her valuable perspective.Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter boards a River Valley Transit bus – promoting breast-cancer awareness, one of several commemorative buses in the city's fleet – for a levee tour. Kevin Ames (left), Williamsport's flood control manager, talks with (from left), Keller, Lycoming County Commissioner Scott Metzger, Slaughter and Commissioner Richard Mirabito.A collaborative path forward for recertification, repair and upgrade of the Williamsport Levee, an integral piece of flood control for the city and surrounding communities, was the focus of a Friday meeting on Penn College's main campus. U.S. Rep. Fred Keller (R-12) and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers convened the meeting in the Thompson Professional Development Center, followed by a tour of the system's pump stations. Among those taking part were representatives of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; elected city, county and municipal officials; and Williamsport Municipal Water Authority/Williamsport Sanitary Authority administrators. Patrick Marty, chief of staff, attended on behalf of the college.