Penn College News

Helping students, spoonful by tasty spoonful

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Ceramics classmates' uniquely crafted bowls add local color to the green of a Bush Campus Center pool table.Jennifer N. Severson (center), head cook at CC Commons, and Denise M. Gardner-Butler, dining services worker, serve a Soup for the Soul patron.Goodie bags bear a reminder of the day's ultimate beneficiaries: Penn College's on-campus food pantry and the students who appreciate its availability.Dining Services' third annual Soup for the Soul event, held Thursday in CC Commons, sold over 100 bowls and raised close to $900 for The Cupboard, Penn College’s on-campus food pantry. For an $8 donation, participants enjoyed a meal that included chicken tortilla or cheddar broccoli soup, roll, beverage, dessert, goodie bag and a beautifully handcrafted bowl. As in past years, the bowls were made and donated by students in instructor David A. Stabley’s ceramics classes.
Photos by Amy S. Lingg, Dining Services marketing assistant