Penn College News

Job-seekers stake out their place in the sun

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Returning to his alma mater to recruit for B. Braun Medical is Joshua A. Berger (center), a 2020 plastics and polymer engineering technology graduate.Blake Kane, a plastics and polymer engineering technology student from Coal Township, converses with David E. Yaeger (left), president of Product Development Factory Inc. and a 2001 alumnus of computer-aided product and systems design.Blue pop-up tents match the late-summer sky, appealing conditions for the alchemy between employers and tomorrow makers.Engaging in information shared by KaBrile Bradley (far right), talent acquisition manager for Graham Packaging, are welding students (from left): Cole L. Wrede, of Glen Rock, N.J.; Robert E. Kisner IV, of Ulster; and Nikolas J. Harnish, of Newmanstown.Eye contact and a confident grip! Getting to know representatives of Kingsbury Inc., are Noah R. Tovar (shaking hands at right), a machine tool technology student from Shenandoah, and Giovanni B. Ferrari, a manufacturing engineering technology student from Harvey’s Lake.The first of September's 13 Employer Recruitment Days organized by Career Services was held on the campus mall Tuesday, featuring phenomenal weather and 10 businesses drawn by varied majors within the School of Engineering Technologies. A similar event scheduled for Thursday will also focus on automated manufacturing and machining, plastics and polymer engineering technology, and welding and metal fabrication; 11 more will complete the month's calendar.