Penn College News

Make a hands-on difference – teach at Penn College!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Passionate professionals looking to share their time-tested proficiency in a fresh and rewarding venue need travel no farther than Penn College, where a new video encourages potential faculty members to help develop the very future of their respective fields.

The seven-minute video, the handiwork of writer/producer Tom Speicher, reflects a series of five-year institutional initiatives. It features footage of the college's inviting environment, as well as interviews with some of the faculty and administrators who enhance their campus surroundings through fervent daily contributions.

Make a hands-on difference – teach at Penn College!"This collaborative effort with Academic Affairs, Human Resources and Public Relations & Marketing is an effort to meet our strategic goal to seize the attention of a wider, national audience of prospective students with our distinctive educational experience, broad range of global partnerships and connected alumni network," explained Hillary E. Hofstrom, vice president for human resources.

"This initiative will strive to broaden the recruitment of a faculty and administration that is not only expert in discipline but also rich in diverse experiences so to more accurately reflect our national reputation. The perspectives included are an awesome representation of the faculty employment experience and the impact their role plays in creating Tomorrow Makers in their industries."

Among those joining Hofstrom in the recruitment video is Michael J. Reed, vice president for academic affairs/provost, who also applauded the enthusiastic input from his co-workers.

"Our people make the difference and I am grateful for everyone’s willingness to share their stories on why they chose Penn College, and what makes our institution a great place to work and learn," he said. "Tom did an excellent job capturing these perspectives, providing authentic insight to other industry experts considering a rewarding role at our college.”