Penn College News

TV audience gets opportunity to 'Meet Mason'

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

"Big" little brother Christopher (center) leads an impromptu dance party on the set of "PA live!Author Megan E. Rogers, a Penn College employee, and sons Mason and Christopher were featured in a segment of WBRE’s “PA live!” on Monday afternoon. Co-hosts Haley Bianco and Christopher Bohinski interviewed the family about “Meet Mason,” a newly published and beautifully illustrated book designed to boost readers' understanding of special needs and to help them discern the too-often-unseen similarities alongside those differences. "Even without vision, there's still vision," Megan said. "One of the things that Mason has taught me is to see things in a different way, without my eyes. To be able to see with my heart; something as simple as the sun shining on your face. When I see him smile, you appreciate that on a whole 'nother level." The book is available from Amazon in paperback ($15) and at a pair of local book-signings in the coming weeks: The Otto Bookstore on June 26 and at North Central Sight Services on July 18.