Penn College News

Groundwork for growth

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Students join program staff and family members in a planting project at Trailing Pines Tree Farm in Muncy.Students Jennamarie E. Jones and Cassie J. Keister, both of Mifflinburg, prepare to plant a seedling with the help of a young friend.Sydney A. Bruno, of Williamsport, gets to know one of the creatures the tree farm aims to conserve.Following the footsteps of their predecessors, members of the physical therapist assistant Class of 2022 recently visited Trailing Pines Tree Farm in Muncy, where they planted 150 seedlings as part of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership. The certified tree farm is owned by Paul Huffman, a 1987 graduate of Williamsport Area Community College, a forerunner of Penn College. The farm is dedicated to wildlife management and conservation. The college’s physical therapist assistant program’s Class of 2021 (set to graduate in August) has been to the farm twice, and this was the first visit for the Class of 2022. Service learning is part of the physical therapist assistant program’s curriculum, with the goal of fostering altruism – putting patients and others above self – and community involvement.
Photos courtesy of Victoria Hurwitz, director of physical therapist assistant