Penn College News

ROTC battalion hosts visit by mobile VR simulator

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Eric Wilbur (in cap), traveled from Army ROTC's headquarters in Fort Knox, Ky., to engage his college audience.Sam H. Maxwell, a building construction technology from West Point, N.Y., gets a glimpse of Army life through an officer's "eyes."A towering inflatable mascot keeps vigil.In addition to the VR experience inside, the vehicle shares officers' stories outside through interactive touch-screen technology.Army ROTC's "Decide to Lead" trailer, a virtual reality simulator that provides a glimpse into the daily life of a junior officer, was stationed on main campus Thursday. Interested students were invited to tour the exhibit, which allowed them to don a VR headset and exercise critical-thinking skills as a platoon leader. Bald Eagle Battalion (comprising Penn College, Lock Haven and Mansfield universities, and Lycoming College) helped arrange the portable attraction's local appearance. The recruitment vehicle and accompanying information tables attracted passersby on the Susquehanna Street mall, just outside Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.