Penn College News

College library working to maintain historic 'star' status

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

An attractively arrayed table provides food for thought – and snacks, too!The program's five foundational literacies, and the ways in which Madigan Library incorporates them into its service to the community, are a keystone of the entranceway display.Madigan Library is in the midst of fulfilling the required annual process to retain its PA Forward Gold Star status, the first academic library in the commonwealth to be so designated when it was conferred in 2018. A display near the reference desk explains the Pennsylvania Library Association’s PA Forward initiative and provides information about the importance of being skilled in five knowledge foundations: basic literacy, information literacy, civic and social literacy, health literacy, and financial literacy.

"Individuals will use these five literacy skills throughout their lifetime," said Joann L. Eichenlaub, assistant director of library services and a meritorious steward of Madigan Library's "star" power. "Being a PA Forward Gold Star Library shows the library’s commitment to its mission of lifelong learning while supporting college programs and reinforcing the core curriculum."

Throughout the year, the library offers engaging activities in support of those essential attributes – including a virtual program Thursday (April 1) that specifically ties into PA Forward's information literacy objective. At that Zoom session, which doubles as a professional development activity for college faculty and staff, local attorney Austin White and faculty retiree Eric K. Albert will discuss fair use and the public domain.