Penn College News

Virtual presentations on timely topics open to community

Friday, March 5, 2021

Whether prepping the best possible garden at home or hearing how employers solve the skills gap at work, March brings two more virtual events in Penn College's series of topical presentations for the community.

Scheduled mere days before the official start of spring, from 6-7 p.m. Thursday, March 18, "Seeding for Success" will offer pro tips for planning, creating and enjoying a lush garden that will be the envy of the entire neighborhood. Reserve a spot and the Admissions Office will send a shopping list so you'll have everything you need for the live workshop.

From 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 23, representatives from Packaging Progressions Inc., West Pharmaceutical Services and Lycoming Engines will take part in "Skills Gap: An Employer's Perspective." In addition to learning about workplace strategies to fill job vacancies with skilled personnel, webinar registrants can also discover the paths that lead directly from Penn College to rewarding, in-demand careers.

For more information, contact Maddie L. Metzger, admissions counselor, events and communications support.