Penn College News

'Bridges of Madison County' to be staged by CTL at CAC

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Community Theatre League, in conjunction with the Community Arts Center, will present "The Bridges of Madison County" this weekend at the CAC.

Based on the popular 1992 novel by Robert James Waller (which was adapted into a film co-starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep three years later), the locally cast musical will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and at 2 p.m. Saturday.

"The Bridges of Madison County"The collaborative production tells the story of Francesca Johnson (Marisa Sorrentino Hickey), a beautiful Italian woman who married an American soldier to flee war-ravaged Italy, who looks forward to a rare four days alone on her Iowa farm when her family heads to the 1965 State Fair. When ruggedly handsome National Geographic photographer Robert Kincaid (Jake Hare) pulls into her driveway seeking directions, what happens in those four days may very well alter the course of Francesca's life.

Seating is by general admission, and patrons will be spaced out to allow for proper social distancing within the theater. Masks will be required for all patrons; the cast and orchestra will also be masked on stage.

Tickets are $23 for adults, $18 for seniors and $15 for students/youth, and are available by visiting or calling the box office at 570-326-2424, or in person at the 220 W. Fourth St. venue.