Penn College News

An open-and-shut case of holiday cheer

Friday, December 4, 2020

Penn College put a new spin on its year-end celebration for 2020, offering a door-decorating competition in lieu of the large-scale wooden greetings that have annually graced the campus mall for decades. A total of 29 entrants – 14 student organizations and 15 offices/departments – vied for the top three honors in each category, acknowledging a variety of holiday and faith traditions. Student winners were awarded $200, $150 and $100 for their club accounts, respectively; winning employee groups will be treated to a Le Jeune Chef Restaurant-catered lunch (first place) or breakfast (second and third places). Entries were judged by third-shift General Services employees, who made the rounds after Wednesday's 9 p.m. completion deadline.

– Photos by Trisha M. Temple, coordinator of student engagement

Academic Success Center

Academic Success Center

Admissions (First prize, offices/departments)

Admissions (First prize, offices/departments)

Alpha Chi

Alpha Chi

Baja SAE

Baja SAE

Penn College Brewing Club

Penn College Brewing Club

Capitol Eatery

Capitol Eatery



Dining Services

Dining Services

Disability Services (Tied for third prize, offices/departments)

Disability Services (Tied for third prize, offices/departments)

Enrollment Management

Enrollment Management

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

Financial Operations

Financial Operations

General Services (also third shift)

General Services (also third shift)

General Services (first shift)

General Services (first shift)

General Services (third shift)

General Services (third shift)

Human Resources (Second prize, offices/departments)

Human Resources (Second prize, offices/departments)

Madigan Library (Tied for third prize, offices/departments)

Madigan Library (Tied for third prize, offices/departments)

Occupational Therapy Assistant Club (First prize, student organizations)

Occupational Therapy Assistant Club (First prize, student organizations)

Penn College Business Club

Penn College Business Club

Penn College Construction Association

Penn College Construction Association

Penn College Motorsports Association

Penn College Motorsports Association

Physical Therapy Assistant Club (Third prize, student organizations)

Physical Therapy Assistant Club (Third prize, student organizations)

President's Suite

President's Suite



Society of Student Surgical Technologists

Society of Student Surgical Technologists

Student-Athlete Advisory Council

Student-Athlete Advisory Council

Theta Phi Alpha Sorority

Theta Phi Alpha Sorority

Veterans Club (Second prize, student organizations)

Veterans Club (Second prize, student organizations)

Wildcat Events Board

Wildcat Events Board