Penn College News

Faculty member logs award-winning number of radio contacts

Monday, November 16, 2020

Thomas D. Inman, associate professor of avionics and co-department head of aviation, earned three amateur radio awards this fall for making confirmed contacts throughout the United States and around the world.

Inman holds the three certificates at his home radio station.After making a contact with another amateur radio operator on each continent, he earned the Worked All Continents award from the eQSL contact confirmation service. He earned another award from the American Radio Relay League for making contacts in each of the 50 states. After confirming contacts in 100 different countries, the ARRL awarded Inman the DX Century Club award.

"There are four different confirmation services, not including the old-fashioned postcard," he explained. "Amateur radio operators are split between the services, so I had well over 300 foreign contacts before I was able to get 100 confirmed."

Inman holds an Amateur Extra Class license, and operates on short wave, VHF and UHF.  He participates in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, and has equipment capable of operating at full power during power outages.

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