Penn College News

'Challenging year' no obstacle to THON fundraising

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

"100 Days 100 Donors"Penn College's THON chapter wraps up its first fundraiser of a difficult season on Nov. 8, hoping to recruit "100 donors in 100 days" for the Four Diamonds fight against childhood cancer. The student organization, led by construction management major Rudy C. Shadle, of Mechanicsburg, is soliciting contributions to send dancers to Penn State THON 2021 (tentatively set for Feb. 19-21), a 46-hour "no sleeping, no sitting" marathon on the University Park campus. "Although a challenging year, we have adapted and overcome to still be on track for one of our best fundraising years yet for Penn College," said Shadle, who was joined at the 2020 event by Bria O. Schneider, an occupational therapy assistant student from York. "We had a lot of new membership and engagement throughout the semester. We now look to keep the momentum going, as we have four more months to fundraise."