Penn College News

Making Makers

Monday, September 28, 2020

 In the facility's Gilmour Tinkertorium, welding students pore over online images that can be readily rendered in vinyl to adorn their toolboxes.Mason Peters, applied management and heating, ventilation & air conditioning technology, shapes a piece from cherry and black walnut that was harvested at the college's Schneebeli Earth Science Center.Anthony F. O'Koren, who earned a bachelor's degree in applied technology studies in May and is now the college's makerspace attendant, has shared his knowledge and practiced new skills in the Dr. Welch Workshop.Barbara J. LeGeyt, a welding and fabrication engineering technology student, plies her craft in the makerspace.From the Fall 2020 Penn College Magazine: Makers from all majors learn from one another as they bring ideas to life in The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College. Read more in “Making Makers.”
(Photos were taken before social distancing/masking protocols were instituted on campus.)