Penn College News

Facial expressionism

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

David H. Jamison prepares to display his mask (“Let’s Stay Safe”) on The Victorian House fence. Jamison, from Chambersburg, is enrolled in information technology: network specialist concentration. Autumn's imminence lends a leafy canvas for coronavirus commentary.The ceramic masks serve as emotional outlets to lament loss … … or share an inspiring message. A warming westerly sun illuminates an accommodating campus landmark, a fitting "home base" for displaying student sentiment.A unique exhibit has unfolded on the Penn College campus: About 80 students from a wide range of majors have crafted ceramic masks for “Regarding the Mask …,” a display surrounding The Victorian House in the center of campus. Ceramics 1 students taught by David A. and Deborah L. Stabley were offered the project as a mode of creative expression related to the face coverings being worn due to the global pandemic. “My idea stems from the physical masks we’re all wearing and our inability to communicate the way we used to,” David Stabley said. “We can’t see our mouths anymore, and it’s hard to show emotions. These emotions, thoughts and feelings could be expressed on the masks.” The fence surrounding The Victorian House was selected for the display as a nod to the homebound environment many have experienced this year. The Stableys anticipate the masks will be on view for one month and invite the campus community to take a stroll and enjoy the messages, including positive and humorous ones.