Penn College News

Today's cover story? It's written all over their faces!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Graphic design student Abigail “Abby” C. Williams (in foreground) works in a Bush Campus Center lab. A major-specific logo lends character to ubiquitous protection, raising the face mask from anonymous accessory to artfully branded apparel. Tyler Rae Laub, a graphic design student from Jersey Shore, models a mask ... and proper behavior.We know who the designers are! Penn College art faculty members dipped into their own pockets to pay for masks sporting the graphic design logo and handed them out to the more than 100 students enrolled in the major. Brian A. Flynn, assistant professor and department head of graphic design, thought of the idea earlier this summer and encouraged his colleagues to chip in. Abigail “Abby” C. Williams, a graphic design junior from Mechanicsburg, said, “I thought it was very nice of the faculty to give us masks that identified us as graphic designers, because when you wear a mask you can only see someone's eyes and this helps us regain some of our identity as individuals, as well as a group."