Penn College News

Penn College launches ‘Corporate Tomorrow Makers’

Monday, August 10, 2020

An initiative developed at Pennsylvania College of Technology supports corporate partners who seek to enhance their engagement with the college and its students.

Corporate Tomorrow Makers offers a spectrum of partnership possibilities that benefit companies, students and the future workforce.

Corporate Tomorrow MakersThe program’s framework (Explore, Empower, Engage, Employ) encourages students to explore specific industries, career fields and apprenticeships; empowers students to pursue degrees via company-established scholarships and support of academic instruction; allows employers to engage with Penn College students through internships, career fairs and information sessions; and enables companies to ultimately employ qualified students for fulfilling and challenging positions.

The program provides a clear vision for fostering growth, expanding current corporate partner relationships and cultivating new ones. Industries enrolling in the program will receive a customized road map based on individual goals, opportunities for special recognition and exclusive communications from the college. Whether a company has been a 30-year partner or is brand new to Penn College, the program will build a foundation for a relationship that benefits the company and students for years.

“Our corporate partnerships help us prepare tomorrow’s workforce leaders while fostering economic growth and innovation,” said Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour. “Together, we empower the next generation of highly skilled professionals in a diverse range of STEM career fields. We are pleased to facilitate a pathway that deepens and strengthens these relationships.”

“The Corporate Tomorrow Makers program features proactive collaboration to achieve shared goals – immediate and long-term,” said Elizabeth A. Biddle, director of corporate relations at Penn College. “Together, we will identify opportunities and create a road map to successful outcomes for companies and for the students we serve.”

To learn more, or to enroll, visit the Corporate Tomorrow Makers webpage.

For more about Penn College, a national leader in applied technology education, email the Admissions Office or call toll-free 800-367-9222.