Penn College News

National magazine explores college's concrete science major

Friday, June 12, 2020

The college's program comprises a mixture of theory, management practices and hands-on education. Penn College's concrete design technology major, an industry favorite that recently sent its first class of seven graduates into immediate employment, is featured in Concrete Decor magazine. Writer Stacey Enesey Klemenc talked with building construction technology instructor Franklin H. Reber, along with new alumnus Jeremiah Dyer, for "Concrete Science Degree Program Aims to Fill Manager Void," an online exclusive. "I really enjoy our hands-on training. I think this is what sets us apart from other programs,” Dyer told the publication, the world’s foremost magazine on decorative concrete. “I feel you can read, watch videos or see someone demonstrate how to do something, but there is nothing like doing it. Our program prepares students for what they’ll be doing in the field,” For more on the college's two-year concrete science degree, visit the School of Engineering Technologies.