Penn College News

Instructional sites graced by employees' artistry – again

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

In a Tioga County borough that appreciates art, these newcomers feel right at home.A repurposed lens lends color to the garden spot ...... spilling onto its neighbor with a hammered center and curved, tinted petals.Another unique specimen, seemingly about to bloomA playful parade fronts the ESC.The ever-resourceful staff of the General Services department, whose handcraft has enlivened inanimate objects in virtually every corner of the college's campuses, continues to work its magic. Stainless steel creations that combine flair and fantasy, fabricated by Chad M. Aloisio and Jeffery M. Taylor, have taken root outside Penn College at Wellsboro to the north and the Schneebeli Earth Science Center south of Williamsport. A reflective piece of colored glass provided by a co-worker was the inspiration for the attraction at Wellsboro, said Aloisio (a service and design technician). Tasked with designing a low maintenance and decorative addition to the 22 Walnut St. facility, and sketching out his prolific brainstorms on sheets of a legal pad, he landed on a grouping of individually distinct flowers. Cut by Aloisio from metal scraps of varying pedigree, including salvaged pots and pans, the pieces were hammered and ground to an attractive finish by Taylor (a grounds and motorpool, service and support technician). The finished flowers were epoxied into a bed of mountain stone, harvested from Morgan Valley. The two also collaborated on the tree-stump planters rising just below the window line outside the Earth Science Center near Allenwood, appropriate for a woodland-surrounded campus where forestry careers are nurtured.