Penn College News

President condemns affront to college's Community of Respect

Thursday, March 26, 2020

President Davie Jane Gilmour has responded to a student's "disgusting" online communication, strongly calling on the entire campus community to unify against divisive behavior that is wholly incompatible with the college's values.

The president's remarks, shared with all students and employees Thursday night, follow:

"Last evening, a Pennsylvania College of Technology student made abhorrent, racist posts and engaged in repugnant communication on social media related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As soon as the college administration was made aware of this highly offensive and unacceptable activity, which is antithetical to all that we teach and espouse at this institution, we immediately launched a Student Affairs investigation for violations of multiple college policies and the Student Code of Conduct.

"The content of these posts is simply disgusting and wrong and in direct opposition to our Penn College Values, particularly the Community of Respect that we convey to everyone on campus: students, employees and visitors alike.

"On behalf of the entire Penn College community, I apologize to the victim of these mindless and hurtful rants, and to all members of the Asian and Asian-American communities who were exposed to these deplorable communications.

"While federal law forbids my disclosing more about specific student investigations, let me assure you that we will, and always have, employed every means at our disposal to address behavior that crosses the bounds of common decency.

"While these are unprecedented and stressful times for everyone, there is no defense for behavior that unfairly and falsely targets any racial or ethnic group or individual. I urge the entire college community to disavow such behavior if you see it. Ultimately, all of us will be judged by how we respond in this crisis. Now more than ever, this is a time for unity, not division.

"Please stay safe and be well."

Davie Jane Gilmour, president