Penn College News

Design/drafting manager traces path from grad to CAD

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

William J. HenryThe computer aided drafting manager for First Quality Products Inc., a 1990 Penn College alumnus employed at the company's McElhattan manufacturing facility, recently returned to campus to share his professional experience. William J. Henry, who holds an associate degree in engineering drafting technology, spoke to students in CAD Management and Customization courses taught by Katherine A. Walker, assistant professor, and instructor Craig A. Miller. During a near-hourlong presentation in the Thompson Professional Development Center, Henry covered a range of relevant topics: software and hardware acquisition and upgrade, database management, team-building, IT security, people skills, and advocating for the profession. "One of the reasons I wanted to come here today to talk to you is because I am passionate about what we do," Henry said. "You're gonna replace me someday and I want you to be standing up here giving this talk to that next generation. So find the passion in what you do and promote that." Henry maintains an active connection to his alma mater, serving on its Engineering Design Technology Advisory Committee. His wife, Serena Pfaff-Henry, is a 1990 accounting graduate, and his son, Quinn T., is enrolled in information technology: network specialist concentration.
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