Penn College News

Ceremony marks college's contribution to veterans memorial

Monday, November 18, 2019

Markley (left) listens as Howard Wilt, a Marine veteran of the Korean War and chair of the memorial commission, reads the award inscription.Lugg and Reed accept plaques on behalf of the college's role in the veterans memorial.A memorial brick casts in stone the institution's timeless commitment to veterans.Veterans gather with Penn College students, administrators and faculty in unified appreciation of those honored at the solemn site."God bless these students and their instructors," the manager of the Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Park project said this past weekend, presenting a pair of awards honoring Penn College's involvement with the expansive monument in Williamsport's West End. Army veteran John O. Markley offered those remarks early Friday evening during a brief, informal ceremony attended by a number of construction students and instructors Harry W. Hintz and Glenn R. Luse. He also thanked "two more people who made it happen" – college President Davie Jane Gilmour and Carol A. Lugg, dean of construction and design technologies – who helped the commission realize its 15-year dream by greenlighting the off-campus enterprise. Lugg and Michael J. Reed, vice president for academic affairs/provost, were presented with plaques "in grateful recognition of your enduring commitment and leadership to the ongoing improvements and expansion of the stone wall and memorial brick display" at the West Fourth Street park. Work continues at the site, which is scheduled to be dedicated during next year's Memorial Day weekend.